Friday, July 18, 2008

Skeeter Bites

I really hate skeeter bites.
I'm sure there aren't many who do like them. But they are literally a pain in the ass. I think I even have one on my ass. Damn thing must've bit me through my clothes.
I put the repellent on, had a citranella candle out, I did everything right and still my body is overrun with skeeter bites. I think the one that is most annoying is the one on the bottom of my foot. Its annoying enough to have an itch in the foot region that after some time can be calmed down. But when a person has a skeeter bite there, there is no calming it down. Its always there, always on my mind.
The way I see it, I have about 2 more months to deal with the pesky sons of bitches. I do have one more trick up my sleeve, I've heard dryer sheets work to fend them off, so I think I will try it next time.
What I hate about the Texass skeeters is they bite you and your still feeling the pain like a week later. Seems to me the Nebrasky skeeter bites went away after just a few hours.
Ugh, I don't know I could be making it up, but that's the way I remember it.On a side note, something I just remembered. I think when I was a kid, we called our boobies skeeter bites.

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