Monday, July 13, 2009

I could've found out who killed JonBenet

My part-time job is a phone gig. I answer the roll-over calls for approximately 500 self-storage facilities throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. And anyone who has ever worked a phone gig knows, there are plenty of crazies out there.

Me: Thank-you for choosing Medical Center Self Storage, my name is Lynnette, are you looking to rent storage?

Crazy Lady: No, I'm calling to get the documents relating to the Jon Benet Ramsey trial.

Me: Um...excuse me?

Crazy Lady: I need to get the documents on Jon Benet Ramsey.

Me: I'm sorry ma'am you do know you are calling a self storage facility right?

Crazy Lady: I was told to call and I could get the trial documents for the Jon Benet Ramsey trial.

Me: Well, I don't have any information regarding that, the manager may know what it is you need, I could forward a message over to them and have them call you back tomorrow.

Crazy Lady: Could you mail the documents?

Me: No, I don't have any documents that I can mail you, I will have to have the manager give you a call back to see it they can help you. What is your first name.

Crazy Lady: Doctor Misty

Me: Your first name is Doctor?

Crazy Lady: No M-i-s-t-y and my last name is Dunlap, D-u-n-l-a-p. (I don't know where the doctor came from but I swear she referred to herself as a doctor, a doctor of what you got me, maybe doctor crazy)

Me: Ok ma'am I'll forward your message over and have the manager give you a call back tomorrow.

Then about 30 minutes later, I get another call coming in from the same property.

Me: Thank-you for choosing ... Blah blah blah... (low and behold its the crazy lady again.)

Crazy Lady: Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I gave it all to Jesus.

Me: I'm sorry, what?

Crazy Lady: Yes this is Doctor Misty and I took all the information I had on Jon Benet Ramsey and gave it all to Jesus.

Me: Um...Ok...

Crazy Lady: I know who killed Jon Benet, and I am contacting all the witnesses.

Me:(big pause here on my end... I mean what does one say to this? I thought of asking her if she went to the police with this information but I thought better of it. Instead I just said...) I'm sorry ma'am I don't know what you are talking about. I don't understand what you want me to do, this is a self storage facility.

Crazy lady: Oh you don't know what I'm talking about, well that's just fine then. That's ok, I'll just give it to Jesus then.

Me: Ok, is there anything else I can help you with? (we are supposed to ask this at the end of every call and sometimes in situations like this when I could not ask it, I like to do it anyway to see if I can antagonzie the caller, its a fun little game I like to play to amuse myself)

Crazy Lady: No, I will just contact the witnesses myself. Because I know who killed Jon Benet.

Me: Ok well thank-you for calling and you have a good night.


Rabbit said...

I am Doctor Misty, and I am awesome!

Unknown said...

NO! I am Nettie! And I am awesome! Did you put your hands up when you did that Phero?

Rabbit said...

In my head, I did, yes.