Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Bomb

My first car was called "The Bomb" Mostly becuase it was blue, old and sometimes sounded like a bomb.
Not to be confused with "Da Bomb" becuase that it most certainly was not.
The Bomb was a hand-me-down, from my my parents to my older sister, then to my brother, then to me. I know it was a 1976 Dodge, and I think it was a Royal Manoco. (It looked pretty much like the picture, except the bomb was faded blue, and it had a white vinyl top or whatever you call that)
There was no air-conditioning, no FM radio, and no cassette player. Oh and when you did turn the radio on it just made a high pitched squealing sound. One of my friends dubbed The Bomb, the Squirrel Meat Machine, because he thought it sounded like squirrels were killing themselves in an attempt to make my car run when you did attempt to turn on the AM dial.
So to bring the tunes to my car we usually carried along a walkman with some speakers or a ghettoblaster. (Oh yea)
Cruising in The Bomb was pretty cool, I could fit 8 of my friends pretty easily and she had the smoothest ride going over hills and the Bartley Bumps.(Some interesections in a neighboring town that had some extreme DIPS in them that no matter how fast you were going you would't bottom out)
The Bomb however said her final good-byes the summer before my senior year. My parents sold her to someone wanting to use her in a demolition derby at the county fair. The ol' girl did pretty good too, until her tranny dropped and then she got pummelled.

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