Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Addiction

I have an addiction.
Well I actually have a few, but don't they always say that admitting there is a problem is the first step towards recovery?
My first addiction is to twirling my hair. I seriously can't stop. The thought of never twirling my hair again...well I'm sorry I can't even imagine it. I've been twirling since I was a very young child. I'm not sure exactly when I started, but I do vaguely remember having short hair and not liking it when the bottom of it curled out, so I would twirl it back in. And now even as I write this I sit and twirl as I think of the next thing to say.
I twirl when I drive, I twirl when I read, when I watch TV, I even twirl when I carry on conversations whether in person or on the phone. If my hands are idle they quickly gravitate to my hair and the twirling begins.
I once even cut my hair very short to try to curb my addiction to twirling, but no, it did no good. I actually love the way my hair feels once I get a haircut, so it actually can make it worse.
My second addiction which is probably not as annoying to outsiders and many people may not know this about me, but I am addicted to crime stories. Specifically to murder, serial killers, gruesome mutilating deaths and severe pedophiles.
I really don't know what the fascination is, it probably does have some hidden deeper meaning. I myself never had an urge to act out any of these things I see or read. More I'm fascinated with the type of people that do these sort of things. And I want to know why they do these terrible things.
I guess really I am more enamoured with the person that commits a gruesome crime because I want to get inside thier head and figure out what makes people do such horrible things to another human being.
Sick fucks interest me for some strange reason.
Now don't get me wrong I don't "like" them, its more of I want to know about something I don't understand. And I've come to accept that this is the way I am.
My first term paper I ever wrote was on serial killers, back in the 11th grade.

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