Friday, March 20, 2009

This would be a mashup of Cavlin and I. Mr. Bywater did it. He's a beautiful man. Frankly I think we are hott together.

Last weekend a few of my friends were in town visiting. Hubby and I did the best we could to make sure they had a good time. Kinda looks like they did. I believe #2 is showing us how much he likes his chips...boy can eat I tell ya.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

My favorite pants

I think everyone has a pair...and I split mine yesterday. It was the seam on my hip and I don't know when I did it. I could've been walking around all day yesterday and frankly the day before because, Yes I wore them 2 days in a row. Sometimes I even wear them 3 or 4 days in a row. (usually not more than 4 as on Friday's we can wear jeans) 

They are my favorite pair though. Nothing really special about them, they are the right length, fit good in the waist, they haven't faded in the three years I've owned them, they've survived one operation when I had to repair the hem, they've lost a button and through all this one constant remains...they are my most favoritist pair of dress pants.

I think I'm most upset becuase I'm not going to be able to replace them, cuz we be broke as a joke right now. I could try to "operate" again. But with just a needle and thread I'm not sure how good of a fix I can do. 

So I had to resort to another pair of black pants today. They just don't feel the same. So glad tomorrow is friday