Tuesday, March 25, 2008

One of those days

I'm having one of those days.
I'd prefer to be at home, or driving with no place to go.
Music up loud, windows down, no one to talk to.
Just me and my thoughts, with lots of thinking to do.
Decisions made and part of me lost.
Out of my hands, no longer beside me.
And I have no where to go.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

This is a stick-up

So I've been involved in a strong armed robbery. I was not the robber, but a victim...well sorta, I was actually more of a witness and attempted protector.
I went up to Stinkin Lincoln one time to visit, Number 1 and Number 2. For some odd reason we were in the mood for destruction that night. Number 1 remembered how his dad, who works for the railroad, told him once that there is a wire you can cut to make a set of railroad crossing guards come down. Well we were a bit under the influence and the wire just happened to be in the front yard pretty much, so we cut it. Watched the Railroad guys come out and fix it.
Later on in the evening we decided it would be a good idea to go and try to steal the High Street Sign...so we were driving listening to music having a good time, when there was a mini van...Number 2 was driving, Number 1 was in the passenger seat and I was in the back of the Blazer which had the seats down, so I wasn't actually sitting in a seat for some odd reason.
The mini van started following us, we didn't think much of it cuz we really weren't thinking straight and we were naive. So we continued with our plan, parked in the church parking lot and then we noticed the van was parking in the church parking lot as well. The next few events happened pretty fast and I probably don't remember totally but here goes.
One of the guys gets out (or maybe it was all of them I think there were 4 of them maybe 5) this dude comes over to the drivers side of the vehicle, Number 2's side, and asks us if we flipped them off or something assinign like that.
Another dude comes over to Number 1's side and he starts punching him in the face. Somewhere along the line Number 2 was out of the vehicle I can't remember if he got out willingly or if they pulled him out.
I started yelling at them to stop, they were asking for thier money. I get out of the Blazer and Number 2 is on the ground and they are kicking him and punching him. I push them and tell them to leave him alone. One starts to make his way for me, when (for some odd reason this sticks in my head) another tells him to leave me alone, becuase I was a girl.
They get Number 2's wallet, which didn't have much money. I think it was Number 1 who got the Priest who lived near the church, we called the police and tried to find the keys to the Blazer, which the bad guys threw after they attacked Number 1 and Number 2.
I actually don't remember if we found the keys or not, that night. I know they were found at some point...but some things are foggy.
I know we made it home, I don't remember how. Then decided that maybe we shouldn't ever try to steal anything again.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


I'm anti-social, and I don't care.
I sometimes sit in my office and put my headphones on just so that people won't feel obliged to say anything to me. Especially when I hear The Shuffler coming or the dude that is about 6 months away from retiring (he likes to walk around and talk to people, I guess he has nothing better to do)
He's nice enough, but I just kinda run out of things to say to him.
I am also perfectly happy and content to just hang out at my house with my Hubby and my Flaire Bear. (I love calling him that)
I don't like going to bars. I really don't like going to bars in Addison. Where everyone thinks their shit don't stink. But its great fun to gawk at all the fake ta tas. I like hole in the wall bars. Those are my absolute favs.
I would rather stick my nose in a good book than talk to most people. I enjoy going for a walk by myself. And talking to myself the whole time.
When I go running I usually do talk to myself...Actually I talk to myself all the time.
I try to avoid people that know me at all costs while walking about the building (at work) so that I won't have to think of something to say to them.
There is this one dude here, he's tall and kinda reminds me of a giant. Well the only thing I know about him is that he likes Ohio State Football. I hate Ohio State, becuase I am a Husker fan.
He seems to catch up to me when I'm going to lunch or leaving for the day, like why is he trying to catch up to me? freakazoid..anyway so I bring up football to him, no matter what time of year it is.
Like right now I would ask him if he is getting ready for football to come back and if he thinks they are going to be any good this year. In the fall that's easy cuz its in season. In March I'll make fun of how bad his team did. In the summer, I try to avoid him at all costs, if I do happen to run into him I'll ask if they made it to the college world series and scamper away...
Summer time sucks for sports becuase I hate watching baseball. But that is another post all together.
I guess in summary, I don't really like people, or more so I am very uncomfortable around people. Unless you are one of those people that I can fart, belch and make a fool out of myself, then ok I can be around you.
But otherwise, I'm reading a great book by Stephen King right now and the aliens are just now bursting out of peoples asses and I can't be bothered (Dreamcatcher you should read it if you haven't good stuff if you A. Like Stephen King and B. Like aliens stories all of which I do)
So anyway...in summary, I like my pajama pants more than most people...oh actually that may be a stipulation as well, if I can wear my jama pants and a tank with no bra in front of you, then we cool.

Monday, March 10, 2008

News Hound

I'm a bit of a news freak, love to read the news. I have 4 websites I check regularly throughout the day to see if anything new happened since the last time I checked in.
I think my boredom at work also attributes to this. But lately I've been a bit disappointed with the news. It seems like every time I go and check it, its all the same stories. Seems like the exact same headlines.
So I think that I may have a problem. Either its been a slow news day for the past couple of weeks, or I've read so much about politics, death, destruction, crazies doing stupid things that its like its all the same to me now. Which means I have become hardened.
Well there are some that think I'm hardened anyway, becuase I was raised that way, evidently my mother has no soul and passed that on to us kids.
But on the other hand maybe the media has been zoning in on certain stories that have the same theme to them because people are interested in them. I mean I don't want to be one of those people that claim that the media has a way about them, where they attempt to skew the view of regular people, but maybe they are, and maybe I am just keen to it becuase I am smarter than the average person.
Although I did like the story about the couple who got married in the Waffle House parking lot, that was fairly original.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Dieting Sucks

I'm pretty sure no one has ever said that dieting is the coolest thing they have ever done. Its really only cool after your done and you look good cuz you lost all your weight. But the actual act of dieting sucks.
I've been sort of dieting for about 3 weeks now. Trying to work out, eat right ect.
Usually, in the past, when I wanted to lose weight all I had to do was start exercising and the weight would melt away. This time it seems to be a bit different, I guess that is what happens when you get old. I actually need to watch what I eat. Ugh, sucks ass. Becuase I have absolutly no will power, none at all.
This weekend is going to be hard too, birthday party galore, drinking, cake ect. ugh!
I've got 3 people in my life with a birthday in the next 3 days. Trying to figure out what was so fun 3 months ago that everyone decided to procreate.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Day

Today, I lost my badge to get into the building which sucked.
I realized how much I like Johnny Cash, my parents had a bunch of Johnny on vinyl when I was a kid I'd sit around the record player and listen to him, which is cool.
Also its very funny to listen and watch my mom try to sing a Johnny Cash song, becuase A) She can't sing and B) she sometimes gets that look that reminds me of a hound dog barking when she does try to sing.
And I realized that it is better to blog at 3:56 p.m. on a Tuesday afternoon when you don't want to start a new project, but its too early to leave, then to sit here and twiddle your thumbs.
OK its 3:59 p.m. now. I shall leave.