Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Yo Momma

I just have to say for everyone to hear that 2names did not bring back “Yer Mom Jokes.”
She has tried to lay claim to them for a very long time and I figure it is time for me to proclaim for all to hear or read, that 2names had nothing to do with Chauncy, #1, Spanky and I using “Yer Mom Jokes.”
I have several pieces of evidence to substantiate my statement as well. First and foremost, 2names “Yer Mom Jokes” suck. And they are in no way the same league as the rest of us. Also they are a completely different style of “Yer Mom Jokes.” Which leads one to believe that 2names not only learned how to do YMJ somewhere else, but if she “started” it again, why aren't our YMJ style more like hers?
Furthermore, Chauncy, #1, Spanky and I have been rolling with the YMJ for quite some time, way before 2names came into the picture. They are especially funny to us, because we actually really know each others moms, like we have carried on conversations with each others moms. Our moms have worked together, and my dad works with Spanky’s mom. So the YMJ brings on a whole different connotation when we make a YMJ. And not only that it is hilarious when #1 does a YMJ to Chauncy, because they have the same mom. (alskjfdowifjea;lskdfjwoeifjaslkdjfe) (that’s internet laughter for those of you out of the loop)
Come to think of it, that is probably what brought YMJ back. We just thought it was hilarious to be referencing each others moms in very sexual manners.
And finally, I have known 2names for quite some time and I don’t remember her ever pulling out a YMJ until after she hung out with #1, Chauncy, Spanky and I. I know that 2names will forever attempt to claim that she brought back YMJ, and I may never be able to convince her otherwise, but at least the rest of us know the truth.

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