Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Oh Mother

It's always a joyous occasion in Wylie, TX when the parents come to town. They are a couple of cards sometimes. And sometimes I feel as though they are fish out of water...

But I must say that my mother does often provide a bit of comic relief for which I use for my own entertainment and to share that entertainment with others. And actually that is one thing I love about my family, is their ability to laugh at themselves and their acceptance, that at some point, you will surely be the butt of a joke.

So the Dorks wife (I need to come up with a name for her how bout Shell) was going to be in class on the Saturday of the birthday party for the Bear. So I assumed that my mom and I would be entertaining the kids that day while the Dork himself prepared the house for the party, and on the Thursday before I suggested to my mom that we should take the kids to the P-A-R-K. I spelled it out in case one of the kids heard, and in case we weren't able to go, as it had been a rainy weekend. My mom was accepting of this proposal and all was set.

Then on Friday, Shell, while on the way to Sam's asked me where this place was that we were going to go to with the kids on Saturday. I was like, "Oh it's just that one down the street from your house, there at 78 and Ballard St." 

"Oh she says, I didn't know there was one down there, I'd never seen it," She says.

"Well you know the park right there that we just passed, you know, the one that they just redid," I reply.

"Oh I thought your mom said you were going to a Penny Arcade. And the only thing I could think of was Chucky Cheese," she said.

"No, where did she get penny arcade,” I said laughing...”Oh I see because I spelled it out… P-A-R-K!"

And then my mom chimes in "See I still hear Penny Arcade, every time you say it, I don't understand."

Then I articulate as best as I know how speaking very slowly and loudly “P---A---R---K. THE PARK”

“Oh!” She says. “The park, I just kept hearing penny arcade.”

So now it begins. My mother begins the decline of hearing, like her mother and her mother before that, and unfortunately it will probably also be my own demise. And my hubby complains now that I don't listen to him, just give it 20 years and I really won't be... 

But with my mom its bad enough with her ditzy ass, now we have to not only make sure she understands what we are talking about, we also have to make sure she hears us correctly. 

Sucks though, now she got me wishing there really was a penny arcade … that would be awesome.

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