Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My Flaire

My Flaire, doesn't have anything to do with wearing pins to express myself, it has to do with my doggie.

Flaire is a mix dog, but most people would say he is Pit Bull mixed with something, he has the best markings, cuz he has a patch over his eye and I love that.

I don't like to be one of those people that talks about their dog all the time, but I thought he was worth mentioning.

One of my favorite things about him is he plays fetch. He won't usually play for very long because he gets distracted but he does play.

My other favorite thing is how when he wants attention or maybe the food that you are eating...he'll rest his chin on your thigh and look up at you, with the biggest puppy dog eyes. I just love it.

Of course I don't give him the food, but I usually say "look how cute, and then I pat his head."

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