Monday, July 7, 2008

Blowing stuff up

The Hubby and I spent our first 3 day weekend together mostly at home. And it was great.
July 4th, we did go over to the English People's House then later we attended Rina's (MIL) get together. We decided not to stay and watch the fireworks show at Firewheel, instead we drove home and ended up passing out before Midnight, cuz we are such party animals.
Then on Friday, the 5th, we did some stuff around the house, made a briskit, and hung out together.
When the sun went down, we live far enough on the edge of town, that we could see people lucky enough to live outside of the city limits shooting off fireworks from our back patio. I guess The Hubby got a little jealous of those shooting off thier own fireworks and after a few beers and a few glasses of wine for me, we decided that blowing some stuff up, sounded like a good idea.
Lucky for us we watered our lawn earlier in the day (becuase we probably would have started it on fire, it was quite dry).
We started with sparklers, then went on to these things that spun and then took off up in the air, tried to light off a few things that were supposed to sparkle on the ground but they just lit on fire.
Also had a few, I'd call them M-80's, you know big firecracker that is really loud...but none of them went off. Duds...
The stuff we had was about 3 years old. We did have some fun with our worms...worms are great, light them on fire and watch them grow.
We didn't light our lawn on fire and we didn't get arrested, turned out to be a pretty ok evening.

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