Friday, May 4, 2012


Talk about a loss. Not only was Adam Yauch a pioneer in the music industry, he was just a great guy.

He was only 47 years old, too young to be leaving this world. One thing I'm sure of, he probably said his good-bye's, I'm sure he was surrounded by his loved ones as he left and he left a trail, a legacy in his wake.

The world is not better of without a pinnicle peice of the trifecta that is known as The Beastie Boys. But for Yauch I am glad that someone of his class left with dignity. Read more about Yauch here and here

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Post Baby Body

What the hell? I just read this article about how long it will be until we see Jessica Simpson and if she will get bashed over still carrying some baby weight. As a woman who just had a baby 3 months ago, I have to I am so glad that I am not a celebrity. I am 3 months postpartum, I have lost all my baby weight plus an additional 15 pounds and I still don't have my pre baby body back, not even close to the pre baby numero uno, let alone the body that's been long forgotten, back when my milkshake used to bring all the boys to the yard.

These celebrities who walk the red carpet and strut their stuff on the runway weeks after giving birth, are not normal. I know its been said before, I'm sure if I could afford a dietitian and a personal trainer, which would mean I also probably had a nanny cuz who's watching the baby while I'm bustin' my ass on the treadmill and doing Pilate's, I too could look hot as well as hot as someone who has just dropped it like it was hot.. And who gets a nanny while they are on maternity leave anyway.

If I know Texas native Jessica Simpson, and I don't really know her, know her, but she is one woman who keeps it real. She has embraced her curves and frankly no matter what she will be beautiful. Because of all the things that go down hill as we age, getting a mommy body is one thing I'm actually proud of. I'd much rather have my tiger stripes and my two awesome boys than a hot beach bod any day. And if I keep working out maybe I'll get to have both, but its definitely not going to happen in six weeks. It'll get back the same way it came. Slowly but surely.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Kelly Goes P!NK

Kelly Clarkson has come a long way from her days as an American Idol contenstant. There are actually probably kids out there that don't even have memories of her as an Idol. She has really transformed into quite an artist and definitly has much respect from me since she can actually sing and she is still successful. But I digress.

The star recently covered none other than "F#cking Perfect" by P!NK at a concert in Canada. I think she did a marvelous job, they both kinda have that raspy voice so she absolutely did the song justice and I'm sure P!NK would have no complaints. Specially since she's made the announcement recently that she is working on a new album, well she posted a picture of herself going pink which generally means that something from P!NK will be coming soon. Can't wait to see what it is.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Carmen San Diego...

Naw..but Karmin with one of it's members from Nebraska is probably just as cool.

If you haven't yet, then get out your computer, oh wait you probably have your computer or Internet getting to device handy if you are reading this...well anyway go to and check out Karmin. Or you could just click on this link.

I'm really loving these guys. Their covers are pretty hot, but also I'm absolutely digging their original stuff, and I don't know what it is about lead singer Amy Heidemann but she's entertaining to watch. She's got some fantastic facial expressions that make me giggle inside, very electric. Can I use that? Electric well, she's got something. And she's corn fed so that makes it even better, as she hails from Seward, Nebraska.

I think these guys have "it". They appear to have actual talent, and even some personality. And apparently they will have their next album dropping April 24. Dropping? Who am I? lol...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Is there a buffet at the Hunger Games?

I am not gonna lie. I loved Twilight. I read all the books, I was or am on Team Edward. Twilight was one teen obsession I somehow got sucked into, and I don't feel bad or guilty because of it. But in any literary circles I keep my knowledge of the Twilight series a secret.

Apparently I somehow missed out on this new obsession sweeping the nation faster than a teenage girl can plow through a crowd seeking a New Direction autograph. Yesterday while on the treadmill a coworker of mine breathlessly asks "So are you going to the Hunger Games this weekend?"

At first I had no idea what she was talking about? I was thinking "is that like the Olympic Games only people starve themselves? Then get to mow down on a chicken wings buffet at the end?" Then it came to me, I seemed to remember seeing a trailer ... white faced woman, some chick heroically stating "No I'll go in place of my sister..." whilst being carried away or something...

So nope I wasn't going to the Hunger Games. Apparently I'm the only one. I somehow missed the boat on this new tween sensation and it looks as though some people will be really pulling in come bank. As the pre-sale tickets are already sold out for this weekends showing. Which for me I guess is OK since I still have yet to read the books to figure out what this whole thing is all about.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Oh this Pains me!

Like most 13 year old girls I had several posters on my wall of those I wished I could be or be with. But there was one teen heartthrob who dominated my room, it wasn't Joe or Jordan from New Kids on the Block, it wasn't Michael J. Fox, no it was none other than Kirk Cameron.

The 41 year old actor Cameron, stated on Piers Morgan tonight that homosexuality was "unnatural" and destructive to civilization. Holy wars are pretty destructive to civilizations as well, the Holocaust was pretty destructive to civilization, if two women or two men want to bang each other in the privacy of their own home or in front of a camera for the enjoyment of mature adults to see, how is that destructive? Call it what you will but if you want to hide behind God and the Bible for your statements, that's fine and dandy in the privacy of your own home too, but as I always say, "don't push your crank on me." There are plenty of Christians who would disagree with Cameron's comments and are smart enough to keep their opinions to themselves.

I wish now I could go back to that room and tear the poster down and maybe put up a few of George Michael or something.

Now Cameron is attempting a bit of damage control appearing on the Today show to promote his new movie Monumental. I don't know, back peddling just is so unattractive, I'm so over you now Kirk. Sadly he's probably raising his 6 kids to be as open minded as him, so the fear mongering will continue.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Momma's Boy

I'm trying to distinguish within myself if calling your mom after being arrested for disorderly crossing of a police line is pathetic or charming when you are George Clooney. Then I decided that basically if you are George Clooney, pretty much everything you do is charming.

The actor who will turn 51 in May apparently is never too old to go crying to mommy when things go bad for him, used his one phone call to call his mother Nina, he then paid the $100 fine,was released and will avoid a court appearance.

Clooney along with his father Nick Clooney were protesting outside the Sudanese Emabassy in Washington D.C.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wowza! Can't believe it's been almost a year since I have written something. That's pretty pathetic.

Well since last March, I had to go through the whole job search thing, as my department at my company was being dissolved. So I found a new job with the same company. Got knocked up, had the baby (a boy) and when I go back to work I will be in the same department but my duties will change completely.

So this is my new little one. We like to call him Henson. He's pretty freaking sweet. Additionally can I just say that I wish I could be a baby sometimes...they really do have the life.

And here is child numero uno. He's a pretty good big bro, he's really quite sweet as well. Love being able to spend this extra time with him.

Ok so lets see if I get better at blogging more often...

One can always hope right?