Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Aliens Exist

Ok I know some people out there don't believe in aliens or that life exists in alternate universes, but I'd like to say to those that don't believe...your stupid. *sticks tongue out turns walks away very snotty like*
I'd like to say that the following may make me sound crazy, but I am not, I am a perfectly rational human, however besides being addicted to true crime TV shows, I also dabble in conspriracy theories and enjoy reading about pedophiles. I repeat this does not make me crazy or I pedophile (or at least I hope not).
First of all, I don't know when my fascination with extraterrestrial life came about, it sort of always been there. I just can't fathom there not being something else out there and I'm am naturally aroused and amused by things I don't understand or know everything about.
With space, it is (as far as we know) literally endless. And I'm not even using literally in a figurative sense, it is in a literal sense. So someone please tell me, how we are the only planet out there with living organism on it, I'm sorry I just don't believe it.
Not only that but if you read the news, and I'm not even referring to the freaky deaky news, there are hundreds of stories about unexplained sightings of objects flying in the air, crazy things falling out of the sky and even sightings caught on video. Of course the government has explanations for many of them, most of the time the "explanations" are so bogus, and only unless your a complete dumbass would you actually believe that the government is telling the truth. I am willing to believe that some supposed alien sightings could very well be secret government testing of equipment that they don't want the common Joe to know about and more importantly other countries. B
ut I also have a hard time believing that we aren't in contact with aliens, or at least have some knowledge of them.



Now I know there are those that don't care about space and what we do out there. I'm actually more interested in the stuff we don't know about, there lies the truth.
Are we really alone? I'm sorry I just don't think so.

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