Monday, July 21, 2008

Fall come back to me

This is the time of year when TV sucks in my opinion. I’m kinda ready for fall to be here, so some decent sports are back on.
I can’t really stand to watch baseball on TV. It’s probably more boring to me than watching golf.
More importantly the Huskers will be back in the fall, and I am looking forward to a better season than last year. I’d say they can’t be much worse, but I’m sure they can before things get better.
This is completely true especially if you are a Mavs fan.
I did go to the library on Saturday. Figure since TV sucks and I haven’t read anything in a while I would check something out. I love having a library card, really makes me feel like I belong somewhere for some strange reason.
I picked up a couple of Stephen King books that I haven’t read yet. I got “Dreamcatcher” and another one that I haven’t heard of before “Duma Key”.
All this anticipation for fall sports to start, was spurred by the recent hub bub over Brett Favre’s announcement that he wants to be released from his contract. So it sounds like he wants to come out of retirement. And while I’d love to see Brett win a super bowl. I wish he would just retire. He won’t win a super bowl without being in Greenbay, and if he is able to go somewhere else and be a starter I don’t think it will be long before he stumbles and our memory of him a bit tarnished.
Its kinda like when Jordan retired then played for the Wizards for a little bit, you could tell he had lost a step, and in some respects had people saying, “well maybe he isn’t the greatest to ever play the game.” To me that is sad. Because in my opinion Jordan was the best and Brett is definitely up there with the greats.
The thing about Brett is you love his heart and he plays for a team in a town filled with big hearts. And to me that should be the way it stays.
Unless, like my Hubby suggests, he comes to Dallas to mentor Romo, then I’d be ok with it.

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