Saturday, July 19, 2008

Nothing to be pissed about

So I was informed that one of my friends was upset at learning that I wrote something about them. I'm not going to name any names - names.
This did get me thinking that I have left some others out a bit and I thought maybe it was time to include some of the other characters in my life.
I don't like to use my friends real names, just incase one of them decides to become president or something, oh wait nevermind, nothing my friends have done is worse than what the last few presidents have done and definately no worse than some of the stuff the possible future presidents or thier wives have done. So I don't think anything I say will tarnish anyones reputation. (Sweet I now have total freedom) .
But I'm still not going to use names.
So I will call him "Number 2 Son of my Favorite Mom"...#2 for short (alskdfjowiefja;lskdfjwoef)
Ok so I went to visit #2 in the town where the state capital was located. This was also the summer I was living with my parents.
So I made the trip to Stinkin Lincoln and hung out with #2. We of course were partaking in the smokage of some cheez. (this was our special nickname for something, that had absolutely nothing to do with heroine mixed with tylonol pm) And we somehow started watching "Dude Where's My Car." Its a great movie to watch while enjoying cheez.
#2 and I were alone this night as everyone else (that is The Number 1 Son of my Favorite Mom, #2's brother, The Bitch and Spanky) were at a Dave Matthews concert.
#2 and I weren't going to go becuase we wanted to go a Blink 182 concert the next day in Kansas City, which was about a 3 hour drive away.
So we hung out for a while, then finally passed out for the night. We woke up the next morning, very late morning I'm sure and headed out to Kansas City.
#2 and I have this strange thing that happens to us when we are in a car together, we always get lost. And I'm sure it has nothing to do with the mass quantities of cheez we consume whilst driving, but it never fails we always lose our way.
Well on this particular trip we not only lost our way, but I think we lost a little bit of our minds as well. After a brief episode in the car of losing our way and me laughing so hard that #2 thought I was going to die we make our way to the concert. We park our car and make our way in to hang out with the hords of people bouncing thier heads to the sweet tunes of our favorite punk bands. As the day wore on and the shows winded down, it was time for #2 and I to leave.
We walked out of the concert talking about how cool it was, and how much better Blink is than Dave, when we realized we had been walking for a while and hadn't come upon my car.
"Dude where's my car?" I asked not to anyone really in particular.
"Where's your car dude?" #2 asked as well. We both stop, look around and think that maybe we just walked passed it. We continue this march up and down the rows of cars.
"Dude where is my car?"
"Where is your car dude?" At first it was kinda funny, since we had just watched a movie in which the main characters lost their car after a night of drinking and partying with various people.
However, #2 and I had not lost track of time, and we were pretty sure we drove my car to the concert and parked it in this parking lot. So we were quite perplexed.
I started trying to use my remote keyless entry devise to see if I could spot it if I pushed the alarm button, thinking that the blasting horn and blinking headlights would catch our attention.
We continued to walk, up and down, over, up and down, to no avail. That stupid car had to be there somewhere, and we had to find it. It wasn't like we could just have someone pick us up. We were 3 hours from Lincoln.
After about 30 minutes, the parking lot started to clear out, then after about 45 minutes, a green Chevy Cavelier was the only car left in the lot.
Oh there she is...there is G-Ride. (I called it G-Ride becuase it was green, not becuase of any erotic references)
So finally we were back on the road. We decided that maybe next time we wouldn't have so much cheez before a concert and maybe things would turn out better for us. Alas we would never find out if that was the case as cheez is really more of a staple for us, and you know, there isn't anything wrong with that.
#2 and I did decide we had a much better time than the losers that went to Dave, even though we got lost, lost the car and thought I died from laughing too hard.
See a good time isn't always defined by what happens but how a persons responds and accepts what is happening. Good times are always relative. Ahhhhh Good Times....

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