Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Vito & DQ

I love how music can take you to a place in time. Vito does that the best for me.
Vito (A.K.A Eric Cole) was a co-worker/friend of mine. And in my opinion he is one of the best unknown artists out there.
No one knew him as Eric, he was Vito to everyone. Sometimes when people picture a "Vito" I think they picture some kind of mafia ganster type. But our Vito was a scrawny little blue eyed guy with long light brown hair and bad teeth. Yet when he played, he made me swoon, but I'm kind of a sucker for guys that sing and play guitar.
I met Vito my first year at Wayne State, he worked day shift at Dairy Queen and I'd occasionaly get the pleasure of working with him. He was always found in the back, making burgers, or picking up trash in the parking lot. (Which was also known as an extra cigarette break for those that smoked).
Wayne was a suitcase college to the hilt, and in the summer the place emptied out cept for those that had jobs. And between the two bars and Texaco, Dairy Queen was the only other place offering employment, and not many wanted to give that up in the summer to not be hired back in the fall.
Us DQer's were a fun bunch. Most of us working part-time to try to earn enough money to buy beer and food; what was left over went to rent.
With nothing to do in the summer time, Wednesday nights were the DQ parties. Where past and current employee's got together to barbeque, play drinking games and get drunk. All while listening to Vito play his acustic guitar and sing us our favorites.
So much I enjoyed sitting around listening to him play, that he is the reason I want to learn to play guitar. And now years later, sitting in my cubicle wearing a dress of all things, listening to his debut CD, singing the songs only a few once knew the words to.
I now find I am so far away from the place and the person I was when I was mixing Blizzards, as I'm sure, so is he. The nostalgia sort of encompasses me.
I'm one of those people that never wants to go back. I am happy with where I am now. I never dream of living those highschool days or college days again.
I had a great time in highschool as well as in college, and sure, I also had some bad times, but whether I think of the good or the bad, recalling the memories and talking with the friends that shared those times, is as far back as I'm willing or really feel the need to go.
I'd love to see Vito again, love to hear him play live again. He is another reason why I fell in love with listening to live music.
Working fast food sucks, but when you work with a great group like those at the Wayne DQ, its not so bad.
Thanks for the memories and thanks Vito, for giving me a way to make them last.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Chuck for President

Chuck Fact:
Chuck Norris doesn't shower, he only takes blood baths.

Speaking of baths I take a bath every day. Well actually every night before I go to bed. Whether I'm drunk, tired, just went swimming or whatever ... I always take a bubble bath.
Additionally I shower every morning. I have to take a shower, or I feel grimy and greasy all day. And it helps me wake up. Granted I take a very short shower in the morning, it is really just long enough to get my hair wet, use soap on my arm pits, neck, cooch and back, then I'm out.
I don't really consider, my cleansing habits to be a huge waste of water, becuase my showers in the morning are considerably shorter than the average person. I take them each night becuase it seems to help me wind down at the end of the day, relaxes me and helps me fall asleep. I tend to have a hard time falling asleep and I find that a routine helps with that.
Plus I just like to go to bed clean, and I don't see anything wrong with that.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I don't know if it is the leftover allergy medicine left in my system or the lack or sleep, caffine or all of the above.
It was 8:19 a.m., I had been at work for over 40 minutes. My eyes are getting heavy, I'm sitting at my desk trying to concentrate on some signs for this Wednesday's ad.
I'm fighting to stay awake. I've got bobble head. I'm in a bad state.
I look down to my ad log, try to zone in on what needs to be done ... I don't know how long I was there...
"Good morning Lynnette..."
"Ahh Good Morning..." Damn one of the big bosses caught me. I wonder if he knew I was sleeping?
I could've been just looking down at my paper, examining it very closely...
Who am I kidding. I'm pathetic.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I think I'm imploding or exploding

UGH!!!!!I have all this snot up in my head, I can't tell if my head is going to explode and burst leaving me with snot seeping out of cracks left in my head, or if my head is caving in on itself and soon the snot will start to squirt out of my ears, eyes and nose....
I really just want to go to bed. On the bright side I have 4 hours left of work. I think I'm going to go to the stizore after work and get me some comfort food.
I kinda feel like having potato soup or biscuits and gravy...
I do want some twizzlers but I might pass on those, since I may not be able to taste them very well. I also want to pick up some allergy medicine and something else that will knock my ass out like Sangria or something.I hate being sick in the summer time, it just doesn't feel right. I'm dreaming of my bed right now....

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Shuffler Strikes Back

I've already stated that I feel like warmed over ass today.
So to make things even better The Shuffler walks by my office, pops her bottle blond head in and asks me if I'm having a good day.
"Yes and you?" oohhh Big Mistake, don't ask how she is doing, I'm so stupid. (Just keep eyes focused on computer screen and maybe she'll walk away.)
"Oh pretty good, it is Friday." (Yuss she didn't go into a long drawn out tirade and batter me with a bunch of symptoms)
"So you going anywhere interesting this year?" She just has to ask....
"Nope" (keep eyes on computer screen)
"Ya kinda hard to go anywhere with the price of gas and stuff."
"Ya sure is." (eyes focused....eyes focused...)
"Well I'll see ya later..."
"Ok" Yes I did it.
Note to self: Must remember to pick up phone and have fake conversation next time she shuffles past.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

How things change

My very first cassette tape I bought with my own money was Bruce Springsteen's "Born in the U.S.A." I loved The Boss. And the cover of that album had an American flag in the background with Bruce's Levi ass in the foreground. I used to think that Levi's were made for Bruce's ass in mind.
My parents had just got me my first cassette player for Christmas. Treebee and I got the exact same one. I played The Boss all the time. Later I started to make copies of my mom's Garth Brooks albums. This was before she was a jebus freak and listened to the bible on tape.
The next tape I remember buying was Poison. I don't remember the name of the album, but I do remember Ang would constantly "borrow" my tape from me, which totally meant I had good music tastes for a 10 year old.
Next came NKOTB, and Salt n' Pepper, Nirvana, Sir Mix A Lot, Alanis Morrisette and spending hours listening to Casey Kasem's Top 100 or was it Top 40, to try to record from the radio. This free way of acquiring music required a lot of skill, time and patience.
By the time high school finished I got enough money from my graduation to purchase my first CD player. I bought two CD's to keep me satisfied...Weazer (the blue album) and Hits of the Nineties.
Strangely enough, my music tastes varied greatly over the next few years, I tabbled in 2-Pac, Biggie, Puffy and some really bad R&B, music. It was quite hideous.
Now I have reverted back to my old ways. I swear I haven't bought a rap album since Eminem, and he doesn't really count becuase he's white. Now I'm a rock chick again. I stay away from Pop music unless it's Pink or Britney.
And playing right now in my Vito and the V-tones. Thanks 2names...

I love me some countdowns

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned how much I love countdowns. So I am coming out of the closet and proclaiming for all to hear (or at least the 5 people that read this thing) That I am also addicted to countdowns.
I’ve tried to keep it a secret, but I’ve got quite a doozy of a countdown going on now that I just can’t contain myself…. Most generally I always have a countdown of some sort going on. And I will countdown to most anything.
In high school I counted down how many days were left of school. This countdown actually consisted of two countdowns. I had one countdown for actual school days and another countdown for total days. Then when summer hit, I would soon have a countdown for when school started back up, countdowns till Christmas, till my birthday, the list goes on and on.
I remember getting this cell phone that actually had a countdown feature to it. Man was I in hog heaven; it was the coolest thing since sliced cheese as far as I was concerned. I also got this phone during one of my longest countdowns. The countdown till my Hubby came home from summer camp.
Really pissed me off when I broke that phone with 6 months left to go in my countdown. I was left to do it manually after that. For the last few months my countdown has been about my last day at X to the P to the S, which is fast approaching. I also have two countdowns going on for that as well. And actually here at the last minute I have created little sub countdowns as well. (Can you tell I am quite excited to only have one job?) For instance tonight is my last night of working a night at the X to the P. I do have 5 days until my final day, but I have 2 more times I have to show up there, including tonight.
Oh it is bliss when countdowns get below 10, but it is almost orgasmic when it gets to be 1 day left of anything. So Hubby better be ready tonight, for when I leave that place I’ll only have I working day left there! Woo hoo! I need to hold it in, keep my composure. Don’t want to let on how much I hate having 2 jobs. (But I do)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Guess who is back?

Chuck Fact:
In the Bible, Jesus turned water into wine. But then Chuck Norris turned that wine into beer.

Depending on the time of year, I like beer more than wine, and sometimes I like wine more than beer. Typically in the summer. I like to have beer, I think becuase after a hot day in the sun, I like to cool off with a nice cold Miller Lite. And wine stays at room temp, not very refreshing after mowing the lawn ya know?
Wine is nice in the winter, warms your bones when there is a chill in the air. So I guess what I'm saying is, I wouldn't be mad at Chuck for changing the wine to beer if it were in the summer. But I might have to roundhouse kick him in the face if he did it in the winter.
(Just kiddin Chuck, I wouldn't ever disgrace you like that)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Safe Orders

My Hubby sometimes teases me about my odering food when we eat out. I tend to order the same things. But this weekend I realize that ordering the same thing is not always bad.
JAM (aka 2names) and her friend SODA (sits on dick alot) came to Texass for a visit. Friday night we ate out at our favorite Tex-Mex place, JAM tried something new, and didn't really like it. I got the fajita salad (a staple for me if the place doesn't serve burritos) and I left happy.
Saturday, we went to Landry's in the West End and SODA ordered the gumbo and didn't like it. I ordered the Cobb Salad and was quite happy.
Tuesday, we all went to a local Italian place, SODA ordered the combo and didn't like the eggplant. (Frankly I would never order anything with eggplant at any place unless it was a super nice place.) I got the stromboli, you really can't mess up stromboli.
Every meal I had I liked, didn't get screwed over and I left happy and satisfied. Nothing wrong with ordering safe, I rarely get screwed.