Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bring on the Thunder

I love me some thunderstorms. And some pretty heavy storms moved through the DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth) area last night and this morning. Seemed like quite a party going on up there in the sky.
Sort of got me thinking about how when I was a kid and was scared of the thunder and lightning how my parents or maybe my older sister told me that the thunder was just the angels bowling and I should cheer when I hear a big one, because one of the angels just got a strike. I guess I don't recall what "they" told me the lightning was....but I remember watching some movie maybe Gremlins or it could've been ET or actually maybe it was Poltergiest or something, obviously I don't remember, but I do remember in the movie they explained how you can tell how far away the storm is by counting the seconds between when you see the lightning to when you hear the thunder. I would lay awake at night during the storms and count away, and wishing the storm away. As I was afraid of the dark as a kid, still am actually and storms just made it that much creepier to me. I began to appreciate the power of a thunderstorm and to respect it's might.

I used to stand out in the drive-way with my Dad, when a big storm was coming in and watch the clouds for any signs of a tornado. He taught me what to look for, what to be worried about, when to take cover and when everything would be O.K. I loved watching the stoms come in and I love storms now, probably because of my Dad, and I love weather also probably because of my Dad.


Rabbit said...

that would be poltegeist.

Unknown said...

See I knew someone would know the movie...