Friday, June 12, 2009

Before I die

Not that I expect to pass anytime soon, but someone asked, therefore I tell.

On a side note, I am kind of a blabber mouth. Don’t tell anyone, oh wait…I just did. Well sort of, I’m not holding any sort of grand delusions that everyone reads this crap, but they could if they wanted to.

Anyhoo, the top 10 things I want to do before I leave the land of the living and traverse to the world of the un-living, or to the world of the dead, the dead zone. Not that I think there is a place where there are a bunch of dead folks running around, it’s just a figure of speech. These are really in no particular order or nothing…

1. Learn to play guitar
2. Travel to Europe
3. Meet someone uber famous
(Ted Nugent and Randy Travis don’t count in my book)



4. Run in and finish a marathon
5. Write a book or at least publish what I have
6. Dip my toes in the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean
7. Visit NY City and have one of those hotdogs from the hotdog stands in the street
8. Go to the Grand Canyon
9. Go camping in at least 5 national parks
10. Travel by car, van or RV across the U.S.


Stephanie said...

Dude, you will love, love, love the Grand Canyon.

bramscher said...

Hi - trying one more spot to get in touch.

I am interested in buying your twitter account for a family project we are working on.

