Sunday, June 15, 2008

I love me some countdowns

I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned how much I love countdowns. So I am coming out of the closet and proclaiming for all to hear (or at least the 5 people that read this thing) That I am also addicted to countdowns.
I’ve tried to keep it a secret, but I’ve got quite a doozy of a countdown going on now that I just can’t contain myself…. Most generally I always have a countdown of some sort going on. And I will countdown to most anything.
In high school I counted down how many days were left of school. This countdown actually consisted of two countdowns. I had one countdown for actual school days and another countdown for total days. Then when summer hit, I would soon have a countdown for when school started back up, countdowns till Christmas, till my birthday, the list goes on and on.
I remember getting this cell phone that actually had a countdown feature to it. Man was I in hog heaven; it was the coolest thing since sliced cheese as far as I was concerned. I also got this phone during one of my longest countdowns. The countdown till my Hubby came home from summer camp.
Really pissed me off when I broke that phone with 6 months left to go in my countdown. I was left to do it manually after that. For the last few months my countdown has been about my last day at X to the P to the S, which is fast approaching. I also have two countdowns going on for that as well. And actually here at the last minute I have created little sub countdowns as well. (Can you tell I am quite excited to only have one job?) For instance tonight is my last night of working a night at the X to the P. I do have 5 days until my final day, but I have 2 more times I have to show up there, including tonight.
Oh it is bliss when countdowns get below 10, but it is almost orgasmic when it gets to be 1 day left of anything. So Hubby better be ready tonight, for when I leave that place I’ll only have I working day left there! Woo hoo! I need to hold it in, keep my composure. Don’t want to let on how much I hate having 2 jobs. (But I do)

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