Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Vito & DQ

I love how music can take you to a place in time. Vito does that the best for me.
Vito (A.K.A Eric Cole) was a co-worker/friend of mine. And in my opinion he is one of the best unknown artists out there.
No one knew him as Eric, he was Vito to everyone. Sometimes when people picture a "Vito" I think they picture some kind of mafia ganster type. But our Vito was a scrawny little blue eyed guy with long light brown hair and bad teeth. Yet when he played, he made me swoon, but I'm kind of a sucker for guys that sing and play guitar.
I met Vito my first year at Wayne State, he worked day shift at Dairy Queen and I'd occasionaly get the pleasure of working with him. He was always found in the back, making burgers, or picking up trash in the parking lot. (Which was also known as an extra cigarette break for those that smoked).
Wayne was a suitcase college to the hilt, and in the summer the place emptied out cept for those that had jobs. And between the two bars and Texaco, Dairy Queen was the only other place offering employment, and not many wanted to give that up in the summer to not be hired back in the fall.
Us DQer's were a fun bunch. Most of us working part-time to try to earn enough money to buy beer and food; what was left over went to rent.
With nothing to do in the summer time, Wednesday nights were the DQ parties. Where past and current employee's got together to barbeque, play drinking games and get drunk. All while listening to Vito play his acustic guitar and sing us our favorites.
So much I enjoyed sitting around listening to him play, that he is the reason I want to learn to play guitar. And now years later, sitting in my cubicle wearing a dress of all things, listening to his debut CD, singing the songs only a few once knew the words to.
I now find I am so far away from the place and the person I was when I was mixing Blizzards, as I'm sure, so is he. The nostalgia sort of encompasses me.
I'm one of those people that never wants to go back. I am happy with where I am now. I never dream of living those highschool days or college days again.
I had a great time in highschool as well as in college, and sure, I also had some bad times, but whether I think of the good or the bad, recalling the memories and talking with the friends that shared those times, is as far back as I'm willing or really feel the need to go.
I'd love to see Vito again, love to hear him play live again. He is another reason why I fell in love with listening to live music.
Working fast food sucks, but when you work with a great group like those at the Wayne DQ, its not so bad.
Thanks for the memories and thanks Vito, for giving me a way to make them last.

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