Thursday, May 21, 2009

This Explains A lot & My 100th Post!

Let's face it, or maybe I should face it rather...I'm a poser. This is something I like to call 'The Senior Picture Pose'

I have a bit of a secret. Something that not too many people know about me. I have a dark past, one I've been trying to hide for some time now, but I feel as though it is time for to air my dirty laundry, it's time to get it all out in the open.

I don't pay for counseling to attempt to deal with my issues, my good friend 2names and I do a pretty good job of analyzing each other. But I didn't need her help on this one. I figured it out all on my own. And I've just realized where some of my quirks come from. And I've decided not to be ashamed any longer.

So one of my dirty little secrets is ... that I love to watch 'America's Next Top Model.' Ya I know, I've tried to stop, and I just can't. Ok that's not true, I haven't really ever tried. I really can't explain why I like it. I say it's because I love to watch the little cat fights, but my favorite part of the show is watching the actual modeling. And now I know why...

This would be one of the first "modeling" pictures.

Notice the poster of Alyssa Milano behind me. I was a huge fan of "Who's the Boss" I also had Kirk Cameron, and evidently lots of cute kitties and puppies up on my wall.

Here we were going for more of an edgy look

I guess we really did have aspirations to making it big in the modeling world. Tyra would say I'm giving fierceness in this pose. Look at the expression in my eyes...We obviously showed early on our creativeness. Doesn't this picture also make you miss stonewashed jeans?

Yes we even did costume changes. These were the paisley pants, styled in the now infamous tight roll, too bad I didn't have the color coordinated matching socks. That would've been ultra cool.

I'd like to say that this modeling/posing behavior ended after adolescence ... but it didn't. This is me and my college roommates Niner and K-dawg, doing our best Charlie's Angels impression.

I'm afraid I can't be stopped. I just can't turn it off. I will always be simply .... a poser.


Stephanie said...

your eyes in the last picture. where you nibbling on some cheez?

Unknown said...

No i'm sure I wasn't. I think I may have been was taken in the morning, I believe we were moving out of our trailer.