Friday, May 8, 2009

James' Bathroom Creeps Me Out

I don't know what it is about the bathroom here, but I hate going to it sometimes.

I've already mentioned how I almost opened up a can of whip ass on a couple of dirty people who don't seem to know how to wash thier hands. And then there was the lady that looks like Mama from Momma's Family who just happened to have her potty urges timed out to be identical with mine...creepy.

And then today. There was a woman talking to herself in the bathroom. I stuck around long enough to find out if she was on the phone...she wasn't. She was talking to herself.

Now I'm not one to say anything bad about people talking to themselves, I talk to myself all the time. I carry on complete conversations with myself, I'll answer myself when I ask a question, I even move my lips and incorperate facial expressions. But I don't do it when I know someone can hear me or see me moving my lips. And if they catch me doing it I quickly scamper away.

No this woman seemed to be oblivious to the fact that she was sitting on the john carrying on a converstion with the voices in her head and that there were people within earshot. I wish I could've understood her better, wonder if her conversations are more interesting then the ones I have...probably not. I wonder if she talks to herself in Klingon, or some other vague language so it can't be decifered easily.

Sorry I'm bored....

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