Thursday, May 7, 2009

Earth Day Trees

This is what my trees looked like when I first got them on Earth Day...they were sticks, literally. But I planted them in some pots and gave them some love, it also helped that its been raining like a bunch of banchies here lately, but they started to actually look like they were alive.

And now they look like this....That's Steamboate he's trying to help...he's not much help.

See there he is again "trying to help."

I'm thinking that some day I will have some big beautiful shade trees in my yard, so that I don't melt away on those hot Texas summer days. Plus I live way to close to my neighbors and I don't really want to be able to see you having supper.
And yes I know I need to mow my weeds...did you not listen when I said it has been raining a lot?


Rabbit said...

steamer is hilarious.

Stephanie said...

man, your blog is great. i like how unpredictable your words are...'banchies'..;alsdf;aoweifa