Saturday, May 2, 2009

John Wayne

It might just be one of my favorite John Wayne movies, that and Cowboys. I think Cowboys is one of the only movies the Duke died in. 
McLintock though, how do I describe it? He spanks his fiery and quite spirited red headed wife, and he condones the spanking of his daughter by one of his hired hands, who happens to be smitten with her, all because she kissed a man before they were even engaged. What a scank. 
George Washington McLintock chases his wife though town after she accused him of coming home one night with lipstick on his cheek, all an innocent misunderstanding mind you, and while he chases her she goes through various stages of disrobing. She loses her dress, then her slip thingy and she then seems oblivious that she is running through town during the Fourth of July Celebration in nothing but her skibbies. Though we are talking circa 1800's skibbies, so not exactly Victoria Secret negligee. 
There are so many faux pas in this movie, between the conflicts with the unarmed Indians, and the way McLintock seems to think its ok to turn the women in his life over his knee, almost makes your mouth drop, but the movie was made in 1963 so I guess, being politically correct wasn't as much of an issue.
Once in college Niner, Amber, Meg and I loaded up in my car at around midnight on the day before Thanksgiving from Wayne, Nebr. and set off for Canada. We made it to Des Moines, Iowa. Which was directly 8 hours west of where we started, ya I know we went the wrong direction. We just felt like going on a road trip and let the wind take us where it may, and Des Moines was evidently the way.
I'm glad we did, hopped up on No Doz we hit town, in what we thought at the time as the bad side of town, I think we saw a few homeless people or something and decided we were too impressionable to get out of the car, so we decided to turn back, but not before stopping at the Duke's birthplace. It was just a lil white house, in a town where if you blinked you'd miss it, just outside of Des Moines. The place was closed but, I read the plaque outside and got my picture taken. I walked where the Duke walked. That alone was worth the trip.
I've got a party to go to now and will probably partake in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Maybe stay up kinda late, and tomorrow I may not be the most chipper bird, in which case I might be able to use the words of the Duke to whoever might try to talk to me in the morning...."Don't say it's a fine morning or I'll shoot ya!" 


Stephanie said...

Your blog is the bomb diggity.
very nice job. :) i'm proud of you.

Unknown said...

Thanks Dude