Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sadie Sitting

This is Sadie Bear

We are watching her for The Dork and Shell. They are on their way to Nebraska for Memorial Day weekend. She's a pretty good girl.
She actually balances out the chaos in our household with our two other Bears, Steamboate Bear and Flaire Bear.

I think they just look like they are up to something. See Steamboate is saying "Oh snack ... or snap rather, I'm outta here...come on Flaire, lets ditch this place before they find out what we did." You know all slide like ... a little gansta, if you will.
I sometimes enjoy speaking for the boys. It's a fun little game we play...if only we knew what they were really thinking.
This is how she started off her visit. She's a cave dweller we decided.

They all seemed pretty happy in their respective spots. So we left them that way...doggies much better when they are laying down...See the perfect situation to use this phrase. "It is better to let a sleeping dog lie, lay?...whatever.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Aw, she's a cute girl!