Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Good Pussy Cleans

Ok this will be the end of animal stories for a little bit, but I thought of this while writing yesterday’s and decided it deserved to be told as well.
Niner and I adopted two kitties. Mine was named Doogie (after Doogie Houser MD) and hers was named Cheeto, because he was orange like a Cheeto.
Our cats were really a pain in the arse. They weren’t neutered yet so they sprayed all over the house and our house smelled like shit and cat piss a lot of the time. They were a bit adventurous and likened to being escape artists as well.
Our house was a 2 story house and they had tore out a hole in the screen window upstairs and were jumping out of it to escape the house. So yes, kitties can fall 2 stories and live, ours did it all the time.
The best thing about our cats that we learned is that they are very proficient at cleaning up food.
Niner and I got pretty drunk one night, and yes I know it was naughty but we decided to drive to Mexico for some nachos. (No not the country Mexico, we called Texaco, Mexico because they had a tasty little Mexican food bar you could order from damn near all hours of the night, worked wonders on my waistline)
So we went to Mexico for some burritos and nachos, and I’m driving home, when Niner the klutz, spills her nachos everywhere. We are talking nacho cheese, jalapeños, meat, sour cream all over my car dash, upholstery, consol ect. It was a mess.
We got home and I was trying to clean it out before it got sundried by the morning heat the next day, when Niner comes out of the house, she’s just a bit tipsy when she says, “Why should we have to clean out the car when we have these…” and from behind her back she pulls out Cheeto and Doogie.
I laughed I couldn’t believe she was serious. But she was. We rolled up the windows, threw the cats in and closed the door. We went inside the house ate our burritos, probably drank a beer or two, then went back out and checked on our little spot cleaners.
The car was immaculate, not a spot of cheese in site. Their little tongues were working double time as though we hadn’t fed them in a week. I was also too drunk to be too worried about how the litter box would smell for the next day or two, what was important is, those 2 little guys cleaned that car out way better than I or God knows Niner ever would have been able to.
Bitch never did clean the puke off of my car, had to finally do that myself. Or wait was it K-Dog (my other roommate) that puked out my car….eh, they probably both did at one time.

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