Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Carmen San Diego...

Naw..but Karmin with one of it's members from Nebraska is probably just as cool.

If you haven't yet, then get out your computer, oh wait you probably have your computer or Internet getting to device handy if you are reading this...well anyway go to YouTube.com and check out Karmin. Or you could just click on this link.

I'm really loving these guys. Their covers are pretty hot, but also I'm absolutely digging their original stuff, and I don't know what it is about lead singer Amy Heidemann but she's entertaining to watch. She's got some fantastic facial expressions that make me giggle inside, very electric. Can I use that? Electric well, she's got something. And she's corn fed so that makes it even better, as she hails from Seward, Nebraska.

I think these guys have "it". They appear to have actual talent, and even some personality. And apparently they will have their next album dropping April 24. Dropping? Who am I? lol...

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