Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Momma's Boy

I'm trying to distinguish within myself if calling your mom after being arrested for disorderly crossing of a police line is pathetic or charming when you are George Clooney. Then I decided that basically if you are George Clooney, pretty much everything you do is charming. http://marquee.blogs.cnn.com/2012/03/19/whod-george-clooney-call-after-his-arrest/?hpt=hp_bn7

The actor who will turn 51 in May apparently is never too old to go crying to mommy when things go bad for him, used his one phone call to call his mother Nina, he then paid the $100 fine,was released and will avoid a court appearance.

Clooney along with his father Nick Clooney were protesting outside the Sudanese Emabassy in Washington D.C.

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