Friday, March 23, 2012

Is there a buffet at the Hunger Games?

I am not gonna lie. I loved Twilight. I read all the books, I was or am on Team Edward. Twilight was one teen obsession I somehow got sucked into, and I don't feel bad or guilty because of it. But in any literary circles I keep my knowledge of the Twilight series a secret.

Apparently I somehow missed out on this new obsession sweeping the nation faster than a teenage girl can plow through a crowd seeking a New Direction autograph. Yesterday while on the treadmill a coworker of mine breathlessly asks "So are you going to the Hunger Games this weekend?"

At first I had no idea what she was talking about? I was thinking "is that like the Olympic Games only people starve themselves? Then get to mow down on a chicken wings buffet at the end?" Then it came to me, I seemed to remember seeing a trailer ... white faced woman, some chick heroically stating "No I'll go in place of my sister..." whilst being carried away or something...

So nope I wasn't going to the Hunger Games. Apparently I'm the only one. I somehow missed the boat on this new tween sensation and it looks as though some people will be really pulling in come bank. As the pre-sale tickets are already sold out for this weekends showing. Which for me I guess is OK since I still have yet to read the books to figure out what this whole thing is all about.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

:) they are pretty good. I declined reading twilight for years and then when I finally read them loved them also. Hunger games is worth a look if you get a few minutes :)