Friday, April 10, 2009

Opposite Marriage?

So admist all the fuss over the Miss USA pagent and Miss California claiming that she lost the contest because of her stance on gay marriage. I thought I'd take a moment to interject. 

Why is it no one took into consideration that she didn't exactly answer the question as eloquently as a spokesperson for women should answer. I don't care what her opinion is, she answered it like a freaking dumbass and she didn't deserve to win if she can't even coherently discern between same-sex marriage and marriage between a man and a woman, heterosexual marriage or even saying something like "Same sex marriage and marriage in the way that God intended it to be, between a man and a woman" but no...Her answer went something like this: 

"We live in a land that you can choose same sex marriage or opposite marriage"

Um excuse me? What is opposite marriage? Is that like being single? Cuz that's what the opposite of marriage means to me. I can't believe we are even having this discussion. She lost becuase she sucks. This only fuels the fire of the right wingists who feel as though the left is overreaching on thier values. "See look at those leftists condemning a woman and keeping her from reaching her full potential for speaking out for what she believes in." That's what they are saying. They are congratulating her for speaking her mind and suffering the consequences of not having the popular opinion.

Um I'm sorry but uh, when a well known gay Hollywood blogger, who also happens to be a judge, asks you a question about gay marriage, what the hell kind of answer do you think you should give? A completely watered down version of what you believe evidently. If ya don't know how to win then you shouldn't win. The idea of this question and answer phase in my opinion is to see how well you think on your feet, and well, I would say she failed...miserably. She should've have spoken her mind without offending anyone, if she can't do that then she doesn't deserve to win.

And not only that, but if she is supposed to represent women in this country, does she really think that all woman think that way. I would say a big fat "NO."

Does she not remember when women were not offered equal treatment? Remember when women were not allowed to vote, or work outside the home, or hold offices becuase the church and men thought that women were lesser beings, that we didn't hold the same brain capacity as men. Remember how we had to fight for our rights and freedoms? And come to find out, the church, and man were wrong. And remember how bad everyone felt that woman were, and in some cases still are, held to a different standard, because it wasn't right? Even though at the time everyone thought they were right. How are you going to feel in a few years when you realize you were one of those bigots, and you are wrong?

Or how about mix race couples? Remember how it was disgraceful and even against the law for a black person to be married to a white person. Or a white person married to an Asian person? They would be ridiculed, housing prices would go down if they moved to your neighborhood, is was disgraceful, "I just am glad it never happened in my family"....remember that? Remember how wrong we were for thinking that? Remember you can't help who you fall in love with. Love does not know religion, race, sex or creed, love is honest, true and beautiful. Obviously something you know nothing about. 

And in a pagent judging beauty, its no wonder you lost. You really showed your true beauty...or the lack thereof rather.

Ok rant over....

Happy Earth Day!

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