Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dirty Mind

Yes I have a dirty mind. Sometimes likened to that of a 13 year old boy, so it's best not to encourage me.

My cubby buddy we'll call him Mr. Wilson, doesn't know this about me, but I've been holding in little giggles all afternoon since he stopped in my office and this is why.

Earlier this morning, that dude that talks alot and is retiring in a month...well he stopped by my office today to talk about giving me some furniture as he and his wife are moving back to the Philly area, they are downsizing and getting rid of some stuff. Well this couch he is looking to get rid of he says has been worn down a bit. 

"When I lay down on it, I guess I rub it the wrong way or something and it's worn off like 4 inches," he says this like 3-4 times. Now at first (I can't believe I didn't think of this) but at first I thought nothing of it until Mr. Wilson comes by and says that he almost puked in his mouth when The Old Fart was over here talking about it. Then the wheels start turning, and my imagination gets going. "I don't know I just rub it wrong." Do ya? Do ya rub it wrong? Well maybe you should try the other hand, or maybe ask your wife for help. Or maybe just turn over.

I even asked him to take pics, (of the couch) but man if you over heard our conversation...and he goes "Me? No I wouldn't be able to take a pic." Like he can't multi task...but it could've sounded like I wanted pics of the rubbage. Oh and then I offered to come over and take pics so I could send them to my husband to see what he thinks...oh man.

OK I'm juvinile I know....see its best not to encourage me.

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