Saturday, February 9, 2008

Technical Difficulties

It’s been a little while since I posted a Bittie Story. So I thought today would be a good day for one.
This is an oldie but a goodie. I saved this email from Spanky, back in our heavy emailing days, so that I could remember the details, and because it was really funny to me...
I’d only been married for three months and I got my security and computer identity changed at James' House so that I could officially start using my newly acquired last name.
I informed Bittie and Queen Bittie of this because they might need to change some of their mailing lists for department emails they send out, phone listings ect.
I send an email to Bittie and Queen, now Queen Bittie is actually a fairly smart, with-it individual, I actually kind of enjoy her most times. So anyway I send out this email so they could update their distribution lists and what nots with my new address. After I send out the email Smelly calls me. Yes I said calls me, as in, on the phone, not calls out to me. Have I not mentioned she is literally 10 steps away from me? I mean, she is close enought that I can hear her speaking with my open ear and hear her on the phone.
Anyway…“You sent this email to say you have a new email address but you didn’t say what it was,” she says in her disgustingly syrupy sweet southern accent.
“Well I don’t need to, I sent the email from my new address, just click on my name or hit reply or whatever and you’ll have it,(grrr) just a sec I’ll show you…”
So I go over to her office and tell her to right click on my name, “No RIGHT click on my name, ok see that little box that comes up, click on it and voila my name, email, phone number everything right there,” I say.
All she would have to do is click save to contacts and be done with it.
Well she sees my email, grabs a pencil, and let me just say she is pretty darn pissed off at this point, she writes my email on her desk. Not on a piece of paper literally ON HER DESK, then she says, “It would’ve been a lot easier to just have put it in the body of the email…”

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