Friday, February 15, 2008

Real Gas

Not to be one of those that complains about the price of gas...but I think I'm going to take a minute and complain about the price of gas.
just spent $52 to fill up my tank. I also just realized I'm spending $80 more a month on gas then I was just a few months ago. And I'm spending twice as much as I spent 5 years ago when I first moved to Texass. And I drive a fuel efficient car.
Its left me wondering when is it going to stop? And if it doesn't can I really afford it? I found myself looking at Vespas on-line yesterday. And today I contemplated how long it would really take me to ride my bike to work everyday. I'm definately thinking about getting a hybrid. I just read an article about how the demand is up way more than it was in the 90's and how, countries like Russia, Iran and Venezuala are not producing as much oil becuase there isn't a need.
And also becuase of the strained relationship we have with these countries they aren't going to do anything to help us. Couple that with the debaucle in Iraq, which has greatly affected their ability to export oil like they used to. Puts us in this situation.
Interesting really, so now I'm also wondering will it ever go back down to the $2/gallon range? Or will this demand for oil and continued higher cost, move people out of thier SUV's and gas guzzlers and back to a more fuel efficient economy? Hard to say. I also read somewhere (probably where only a small percentage of the United States considers the rising price of a gallon of gas is causing econimic hardship to them and their family.
So most Americans are fine with paying $4/gallon for gas. I know I'm not. I just wonder how high it will go before we are all forced start changing the way we live and help make this country less dependent on oil.
I think I may have just had an ah ha moment...I guess if the price of gas doesn't change. I may have to change. And you thought this was going to be another story about flatulence....I'm just full of suprises.

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