Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wowza! Can't believe it's been almost a year since I have written something. That's pretty pathetic.

Well since last March, I had to go through the whole job search thing, as my department at my company was being dissolved. So I found a new job with the same company. Got knocked up, had the baby (a boy) and when I go back to work I will be in the same department but my duties will change completely.

So this is my new little one. We like to call him Henson. He's pretty freaking sweet. Additionally can I just say that I wish I could be a baby sometimes...they really do have the life.

And here is child numero uno. He's a pretty good big bro, he's really quite sweet as well. Love being able to spend this extra time with him.

Ok so lets see if I get better at blogging more often...

One can always hope right?

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